Multilevel Modeling Using HLM

Multilevel Modeling Using HLM

July 17-21, 2017

Instructor: D. Betsy McCoach

This workshop covers basics and applications of multilevel modeling with extensions to more complex designs. Participants will learn how to analyze both organizational and longitudinal (growth curve) data using multilevel modeling and to interpret the results from their analyses. Although the workshop does not require any prior knowledge or experience with multilevel modeling, participants are expected to have a working knowledge of multiple regression as well as some experience using statistical software (such as SPSS, SAS, R, Stata). All analyses will be demonstrated using the software HLMv7. Instruction will consist of lectures, computer demonstrations of data analyses, and hands-on opportunities to analyze practice data sets using HLM. The workshop emphasizes practical applications and places minimal emphasis on statistical theory.  The workshop takes place in a computer lab, so you do not need to bring a laptop or software. The workshop is limited to 20 participants.

The workshop runs Monday-Thursday from 9-5 and Friday from 9-12.  A light continental breakfast is provided every morning, and the cost includes a closing group lunch on Friday from 12:00-1:00pm. The full schedule is here.

To see the tentative schedule, go to